However I did convert and paint this Old Crow Rebel light utility vehicle as a light scout vehicle. This model was part of an ebay lot from about a year ago that has just sat in my bits box. Totally on a whim the other night with a couple of spare hours (when I should have been painting Celts) I added a few bits from my bits box.
The gun was built from a GW guard auto-cannon with an Old Crow gatling barrel plus varous bits of plastic from my bits box. I also added some stowage from the bits box and some headlights from an old GW Rhino model.
I sprayed the model with green and brown humbrol sprays in a two tone scheme and then dry brushed them up with lighter green and brown. After that I just went mad on the wear and tear and weathering using washes and drybrushing. I then added some spare decals from old model kits and weathered them as well.
I sprayed the model with green and brown humbrol sprays in a two tone scheme and then dry brushed them up with lighter green and brown. After that I just went mad on the wear and tear and weathering using washes and drybrushing. I then added some spare decals from old model kits and weathered them as well.
I think it came out pretty well I'm tempted to get a few infantry to with it now.
Cheers Jon
Very nice looking model! Is it 15mm or 25/8mm?
ReplyDeleteAgree though that you now need to do some infantry to man it!