Wednesday 23 November 2011

News Flash - Zumatan forces sieze border post of S'mosa

Reports are coming in from the conflict zone of Zumata/Mbote of a daring attack by Zumatan forces to sieze the river crossing of S'mosa. A Zumatan force code named force Jumbo and consisting of fast moving light armour supported by naval forces and helicopter borne Zumatan SAS seized the crossing after heavy fighting.

A helicopter coup de main to sieze the river crossing was quickly relieved by armoured cars and infantry in APCs. At the height of the battle an attempted attack by lorry mounted Mbote militia was stopped (see picture above) by accurate artillery strikes called in by a forward artillery spotter attached to SAS forces.

Despite the success of the operation Zumatan forces were forced to retire after Zumatan heavy armour, sent to relieve them, was delayed in fighting with M'bote armed forces further south.

More details to follow.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

News Flash - Zumatan forces cross Mbote Border

BCC Correspondent Bob Beasley reports that Zumatan royal army forces crossed the Mbote border at 6.00hrs this morning. The Zumatan Royal Guard Division (pictured above) leading the way in their British made Centurion tanks. An hour before the Zumatans crossed the border targets on the Mbote side of the border were reported to have been subject to heavy artillery and air attacks.

Military analysts believe that Zumatan forces first objectives will be to secure the Npungwe river line and the town of Npungwe before striking south towards port Tchumba. Zumatan Naval force have also been reported to have been seen entering Mjuba bay and are expected to carry out naval landings south of port Tchumba.

General Henry "Big Buba" Chokwe (pictued above) who is in command of the Zumatan invasion forces held a press conference an hour ago. " Despite our best attempts at peace the left wing extremists of the Mbote goverment have forced us to act to protect both our country and our rights to the islands of Mjuba bay that belong to Zumata as set out in the 1896 treaty of London."

General Chokwe added "I have no doubt that highly trained personal of the Zumatan armed forces will bring about a swift and complete victory for Zumata."

More news to follow.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

News Flash - Zumatan Air force launches raid on Mbote

BBC correspondent Bob Beazely who is currently in the Zumatan capital of Westchester reports today that Zumatan forces have launched a series of air raids today in retaliation for yesterdays naval clash in Mjuba Bay.

While the Zumatan air force launched attacks on several key targets along the Zumatan Mbote border. Royal Zumatan navy fleet air arm A-1 skyraiders launched a devastating surprise attack on Mbote naval forces based at Port Tchumba (see pictures above). Unconfirmed reports suggest that several ships and dockyard buildings have been hit and smoke can be seen rising above the city.

Reports of Zumatan army divisions seen leaving their bases around Westchester and heading towards the border have yet to be confirmed.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

NEWSFLASH - Zumatan Navy launchs new battleship

Zumatan Minster of Defence Mr Dod'g Gezzer reported today that the Royal Zumatan Navy has launched a new battleship ZNS Big Buoy (pictured above) on to Lake Bagombo. Mr Gezzer said "ZNS Big Buoy is the first in a series of new ships to be launched on to Lake Bagombo in a effort to curb the aggressive stance of neighbouring Mbote" Mr Gezzer went onto say " This new vessel is a feat of Zumatan engineering and includes no less than thirty coffee machines as well as some bloody big guns"

Mr Gezzer refused to answer rumours that ZNS Big Buoy is so large that it has stay in the middle of Lake Bagambo for fear of running a ground.

In further news Mr Gezzer also revealed that in a further sign of the close ties between Zumata and it's once colonial master the UK members of 22 regiment the infamous SAS have been in Zumata trainng a new Zumatan SAS troop for the last six months.

Finally Mr Gezzer denied that the launching of combined Zumatan Army Navy maneuvers in the region of Lake Bagombo is in anyway linked to the discovery of large amounts of natural gas by Mbote in the same area in the last few days. Mr Gezzer said " We have had these military maneuvers planned for several days and will be practicing naval assaults in the Mjuba Bay area."

Members of the press in the area reported a large Zumatan naval flotilla leaving port this morning heading towards Mjuba bay.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Slavers Baggage - Darkest Africa

Well not a lot of painting since my bumper weekend a couple of weeks back. I have a unit of Askari half finished, just the highlighting and basing to do, and another unit of Askari under coated.

I have in the mean time managed to finish up a couple of baggage elements based on Rendera large oval bases. Made up of spare foundry Zanzibar characters and African porters. I need to make two more bases of baggage but I need to order some more porters from Foundry first.

Cheers Jon