Tuesday 31 May 2011

Something random - sci-fi scout

Well the good news is I got loads of painting done this bank holiday weekend the bad news is it was the master bedroom and not my miniatures that got the paint applied.

However I did convert and paint this Old Crow Rebel light utility vehicle as a light scout vehicle. This model was part of an ebay lot from about a year ago that has just sat in my bits box. Totally on a whim the other night with a couple of spare hours (when I should have been painting Celts) I added a few bits from my bits box.

The gun was built from a GW guard auto-cannon with an Old Crow gatling barrel plus varous bits of plastic from my bits box. I also added some stowage from the bits box and some headlights from an old GW Rhino model.

I sprayed the model with green and brown humbrol sprays in a two tone scheme and then dry brushed them up with lighter green and brown. After that I just went mad on the wear and tear and weathering using washes and drybrushing. I then added some spare decals from old model kits and weathered them as well.

I think it came out pretty well I'm tempted to get a few infantry to with it now.

Cheers Jon

Monday 16 May 2011

British Nobles

As I promised here are some pictures of the British nobles on foot that I finished at the weekend. Unlike most of my British army these guys are metal mostly from Foundry (an ebay bargain) with a couple of metal Warlord Games miniatures.

Most of the foundry miniatures were basically three poses so I did some head and weapon swaps with spares from my bits box. Shields are a mix of Foundry, Warlord and Wargames Factory shields. Some are hand painted some are transfers.

The next unit of British infantry is undercoated and ready to go on the workbench so hopefully they'll be finished this week.

Cheers Jon

Sunday 15 May 2011

More Britons

Managed to finish off the light cavalry for my expanding ancient British army on Friday. These guys are from Warlord games but like my infantry I've mixed in bits from Wargames Factory Celts to give some variety.

The Warlord games cavalry came with some war hounds so I've added them to this unit to bulk it out and get me 6 bases from nine cavalry models. These guys are mounted on rendera 50mm x50mm cavalry bases with the usual sand and flock finish.

I've also finished up a unit of British Noble warriors on foot but no photos. Next up is yet more British/Celt infantry. Then I need to go back and revisit my Romans who need some more legionnaires painted.

Cheers Jon

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Hail Caesar!

Well I final got something painted this last bank holiday weekend after what seems like weeks of hobby inactivity (holiday,in-laws coming to stay,work,kids sports etc etc). It felt rather nice to be getting the old brushes out I must say.

Anyway as you can see I've painted some Britons (a mix of Warlord games and wargames factory plastics). I've been rather inspired by my holiday to Wales and the release of Warlords Hail Caesar Rules to try and get my Roman and ancient British armies finished after a long lay off.

I've got a copy of hail Caesar on pre-order with Amazon much cheaper than buying it elsewhere but sadly taking a lot longer to be delivered.

Working on some British Light cavalry now hopefully this will be the start of a more productive hobby as so far 2011 has been pretty poor.

Cheers Jon