Anyway between all this I've managed to find some time to paint up some chaos warriors for my WFB army. I decided to go for a chaos undivided army rather than a chosen power but I didn't want to go down the black and silver/gold route favoured for chaos armies these days.
I played around with some colour schemes and decided on this red and green combo which I'll carry over to the rest of the army.
The miniatures are all pre-slotta citadel miniatures chaos warriors circa 1984 (except the guy in the bottom picture who is a very early post slotta circa 1985). There are a few conversions with bits from my bits box, because a) I had some duplicates and b) some of the lead weapons where very bent.
These guys could be warriors or marauders depending on the pts of the army. As warriors this unit weighs in at circa 1000pts for 12 models ............
I've got another 15 or so of these old school warriors as well as a unit of old school beastmen to go with them. Some characters and a few odds and sods to add to the baggage train. I might throw in some Mantic Abyssal Dwarfs as allies to.
Cheers Jon