Well I've finally finished my old school
Slann army for
WFB 3rd edition. Of course finished is a subjective term as there are still somethings I'd like to add as time and money allow. That aside the army is now 2000
pts + and all painted so it's a
gameable army.
Collecting an army that the models are all
OOP for has been interesting.
Slann models turn up on
ebay quite
alot but prices can get very silly (for example a load went on
ebay tonight at around £8.00 a model). So collecting has been a case of watching
ebay carefully and bidding carefully. In the end I've also looked around for suitable proxies when possible and picked up quite a few damaged miniatures of
ebay that I've worked on
to bring them up to scratch.
Anyway below are pictures of the whole force (for now)

Above the whole army displayed in all it's glory

The armies main character models, notice the pygmy shaman (a G
azpez Arts model) at the front hopefully the first member of a full ally contingent.

slann m
age on his litter m
age priest is from
Gazpez Arts, while his slaves are from The
Assault Groups (TAG) Aztec range.

Slann mage an
original citadel miniature

A conversion of a TAG eagle knight into a
Slann eagle knight

slann war leader again another original Citadel miniature.

Lizardmen subjects fighting for their
Slann overlords.
Original 1980s Citadel miniatures some converted to carry TAG Aztec spears and a converted standard bearer.

Human Slave troops from
TAGs Aztec range led by a Citadel
Slann slave master.

Slann spawn band. Mostly various Citadel
Slann miniatures with a couple of converted Grenadier miniatures frog folk. Extra
shields from
GW lizardmen and a converted
musician using a broken
blowpiper and a plastic
beastman horn.

Troglodyte subject troops fighting for the
Slann. These are early 80s pore-
slotta Citadel miniatures.

Venom tribe
Slann from the jungles of
Lustria. Highly coloured and very
poisonous. Again
original citadel
Slann both
pre and post

Slann beast handler and cold one hounds. A very rare limited release model from Citadel. I may have to proxy some different
coldone hounds though (maybe some 28mm raptors) as I can't get any more
coldone hounds to match these two.
Slann scouts with blowpipes. the watery bases came about from having a model who had broken of his base at the ankles so I made look like he was standing in water and carried the theme across all the bases.
Again these figures are all old Citadel.

Slann cold one riders, hard hitting S
lann cavalry. These guys are all Citadel the unit leader is a very old
slotta early
that's it for now, I have plans for a few extras. A pygmy ally contingent, some
Slann priests, a war alter and a baggage train (which are a feature of 3rd edition armies) and
perhaps a unit of jungle braves.
Cheers Jon
Nice job! Makes me want to paint my Slann army. I boxed it up after the Slann list became obsolete, but I have always loved the figures!
ReplyDeleteWow I cant believe you got everything painted allready. :)
ReplyDeleteThis army is simply amazing. As a lizarman player I drool over your wonderful collection.